Finding the Best BJJ GI
Choosing the best BJJ GI is essential for the success of your training. Choosing the right one can make or break your training. The right match for you and your training and competing needs to be chosen. There are many different types of gis on the market. I'll go over the different ones that you should look out for.
Most common gi's on the market at the moment are Velcro straps on a short sleeve. Velcro doesn't provide much stretch and the material it is made from will tear after some heavy use. This isn't the best bjj gi for a beginner because it doesn't give the necessary support. The best gi for a beginner is a rubber collared one with full stretch. The main benefit from these collars is that they do have buckle backing, which keeps the chokes in place better.
The second in my list is the Premium jiu jitsu gi. It comes with a lot of cool features such as an adjustable buckle back, Velcro strap, and the best part about this bjj GI is that it is made out of high quality Brazilian jiu jitsu fabric. The premium gi still is lightweight and very well constructed, but does not have the durability of the cheaper ones. These tend to rip very easily. This is a great example of how you get what you pay for.
Another gi to consider is the Weaves weave Brazilian jiu-jitsu gi. The Weaves weave has many advantages over the Premium Jiu Jitsu GI, but is also a little more expensive. Some good things about the weave are that it is more durable and can withstand a lot of wear and tear, but the price of these really does put it behind the other two more expensive varieties on the market.
I would include the Combat Ready System as one of the best bjj gi's on the market, but if I were to mention one jiu-jitsu product that is considered by most to be the best gi available today it would be the Combat Ready System by Steve Powell. This is an all cotton weave, Brazilian jiu-jitsu Gi that comes with all the necessary gear that is needed for a successful training session. This includes the fighter elements gi like shorts, gloves, socks, and headgear. It also has shoulder pads, knee pad, and chest protector.
One other thing that has really taken the sport of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to a whole new level is the creation of what is known as "sub" or "sub-gi" competition. These competitions are not for the World Cup, but for local competitions that occur in most any country. What makes these so much different than the GI or even the MMA fighters own competition is that they are durable and will hold up under just about any abuse that you can dish out. Most of these are made with a thicker fabric and are generally thicker than the traditional GI that you see used in tournaments and even for training at home.
One of the most important decisions that you will have to make when purchasing a good BJJ GI is whether or not you want one that is made of cotton or a higher quality fiber like rayon. This decision is mostly based upon your budget and will come down to which style of GI you prefer. Cotton is always the cheaper option when it comes to BJJ GI's, but the problem with a cotton gi is that it will eventually start to wear away due to constant scrubbing. Rayon on the other hand is known for being the best fabric for training or competition gis and the ones that are made of this material will last far longer than any other type of fiber.
The average GI is one that will last from six months to a year depending on the amount of use and abuse that the GI is put through. While the average length of a typical GI is around three months, there are some GI's that can last longer if they are well taken care of, such as those that are constructed with a thicker fabric weave. Anytime that an athlete is purchasing a new gi, it is important that they do their homework and research the brands of gis available so that they are fully aware of the different brands and styles that are available and know which one best fits them. Whether it be cotton or a Rayon, there are always a style and brand that are ideal for just about every sport.
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